DC PRO Customer Feedback

Hear what DC PROs say about what they’ve learned:

“This is great information that all Design Consultants should learn – it would be life-altering to this industry to have all Design Consultants focused on the customer in this way. We have a tendency to let our “builder bias” influence our process and presentation and this was a great reminder to shift that focus to the Homebuyer with great, practical examples of how to do this. What a great investment of time!

Mary Yeatts, National Business Process Manager, Certified DC PRO at David Weekley Homes


I just wanted to absorb as much as possible everything you were coaching us on so we can provide our buyers an Elevated experience.  Honestly, it’s really of like a way of life.  To treat others special and serve them, to be authentic and positive and be an expert in our role intentionally.  Thank you so much for leading by example and for coaching excellence personally and professionally.  I am so grateful that Kolter management took this opportunity to invest in us in such an impactful way and having you to lead the way!

We all appreciate you and your guidance has made us better.  I know we will continue to improve as we implement.  Life changing!

Kim Barbee, Design Studio Manager, Certified DC PRO at Kolter Homes


The program allowed me to see my opportunities for improvement in a way that wasn’t condescending or belittling.  It’s easy to have the mindset, “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. DC PRO provided the toolkit to self-reflect on  my role as a design consultant and target where I needed to improve.  The DC PRO program has pushed my techniques outside my comfort zone, in the best way possible. And now I have the entire program at my fingertips to use as a guide when I get stumped and I use what I have learned every day.

The DC PRO approach really broke down every. single. step. in a seamless and integrated way.  I found myself nodding my head as I read through scenarios – It was like Jane was shadowing my appointments! Also, I didn’t expect to have such a boost in confidence in my abilities.

Stephanie Bensley, Design Studio Manager, Certified DC PRO at Chesapeake Homes


I’m so grateful to have been able to complete this course! It has been an amazing journey and so uplifting! I feel like I found a kindred optimist spirit in Jane, and I am a more efficient, informative and effective Design Consultant because of this course.  Thank you Jane for creating this invaluable tool.

Amanda Bligen, Design Consultant, Certified DC PRO at Ideal Homes and Neighborhoods


Not does only DC PRO provide best practice training, it is also so much fun! For me it has been such a positive break from the day-to-day operations which has given me so much inspiration to continue to grow in my role as a Design Studio Manager.

Jerai Laird, Design Studio Manager at New Traditions

My team has been so impressed with DC PRO.  The designers have commented that Jane is able to give them helpful and usable advice and it is clear she really gets what happens in the Design Center.

Amber Shay, National Vice President of Design Studios at Meritage Homes


My team has now started introducing the “Target Investment Range”, and it’s helping the designer help the buyer step away from a price-focused experience to an “I’m here to help you experience”.  It has helped shift “This is the job I have done for 5 years” to “This is the job I have been doing for 5 years and I really love helping buyers to get their beautiful palettes.” They are enjoying their jobs a lot more now.

Heather Miller, VP of Design at Edge Homes


Our team has been loving the DC PRO course and have meetings every Monday morning to go over the lesson and what to implement from it.  Since completing the DC PRO course, not only myself but my entire team have seen an increase in our average option sales by at least $5,000!  So thank you for creating such a wonderful and helpful tool.

Jamie Margherio, Design Studio Manager at McBride Homes


I had an applicant for a design studio representative position that I really wanted on my team.  One of the “plus’s” that I used was that my team was going to be participating in the DC PRO program with Jane which would be a huge benefit to her both now and in the future with the invaluable training that she would receive as well as a Design Studio Consultant Certification.  She accepted the position!

Sarah McKinnon, Design Studio Manager at Empire Communities


I started out excited about the concept of the program and grateful we could participate, but thought it would just be a refresher course for our consultants.  Turns out, I was totally wrong in a really good way!  These programs are not only improving the customer experience in our galleries, but also in our entire company.  All employees are in the process of learning consistent terminology and expectation setting (which I got directly from going through the DC PRO lessons!) and we are already seeing what a positive impact it is having on our customer experience. Just a few months into your programs and our business has changed for the better, I can’t wait to see what it looks like when we are done!   Thank you so much.

Katie Detwiler, Chief Experience Officer at Berks Homes

Although the skills in DC Pro were always abstract ideas and goals of mine to implement with our consultants, DC PRO gave us the defined technique that made it easy to implement in order to achieve a new level of customer satisfaction. Our team of consultants has a wide range of experience, and DC PRO elevated everyone on my team to the same level of professionalism and expertise.

Alexa Drees Walker, Design Center Director, Drees Homes


This program was so incredibly valuable! I feel so much more confident in my role. I greatly appreciate all the time and thought that went into creating this. Absolutely priceless!

April Smith, Selections Specialist, Certified DC PRO at Brownhaven Homes


DC PRO generally sharpened my skills!  I learned new ways to take professional approaches to challenging situations. Learned how to set homeowners up for success and feel great about their home! I love how specific all of this information is to our job!! This is so unique and it is so helpful to have a community of design studio specialists like this!

Anna Cofrin, Design Studio Specialist, Certified DC PRO at Creative Homes


I knew I would learn a lot, but I learned more than I anticipated. I also found myself sharing my learnings with my colleagues in sales and construction. Many of the customer experience points truly apply to everyone in the company, not just the design team. I also feel more confident and capable. I was able to help refine our company’s tools and resources to set better expectations for home buyers, provide a more streamlined appointment process and an overall better experience for our home buyers. THANK YOU for being such a terrific resource! Your energy level and positive attitude make it easy to stay engaged and retain the information shared.

Natalie Garcia, Design Consultant, Certified DC PRO at Beechen & Dill


I was so honored that I was able to help participate in the DC PRO course. I can’t even tell you how many times I think a day…WWJD- What would Jane Do? LOL!  Thanks again for being you, sharing all your knowledge, and being awesome!!

Stephanie Columbro, Design Consultant at Judd Builders


I totally recommend this program.  Jane has an inspirational way of breaking down the nuances of our core mission as design consultants.  The training speaks true to the real-life tools we need to be our very best.  It certainly has help me raise my game!

Monique Bolling, Designer, Certified DC PRO at David Weekley


I love Lesson 4-4 and have found the “discovering target investment range” so helpful. I feel I have done well with developing connection and building trust but never felt comfortable asking customers about the amount of ‘money’ they are able to spend. Just typing it that way sounds so terrible which is why I never asked them! Now I have been confidently using the scripts from Lesson 4-4’s discovering target investment range and I love it! Thank you!

Kristen Hunt, Design Specialist, Certified DC PRO at Garman Builders


I would like to start by saying how wonderful I find this course to be and how much I am enjoying it.  I think my biggest take-away to-date would be the concept of pre-shopping.  At Mattamy I feel we do a great job at preparing our homeowners for their design meeting.  With that said, there is always room for improvement.  The concept of pre-shopping has really resonated with me and I have really amped up my responses to homeowners’ questions to help them prepare.   I think the course is really elevating the service I am providing and am excited to continue learning from you.

Kristen Janzen, Design Consultant, Certified DC PRO at Mattamy Homes


I have so enjoyed the DC PRO Course. My biggest take away so far has been refining qualities within myself that I already had. The course focuses a lot on what you already know but in a tangible way that can be used daily during every meeting or encounter. I see the change in my process and in-turn in my clients and their experience.

Trista Mellows, Design Consultant, Certified DC PRO at Branthaven


Biggest take away so far; recognizing the customer’s psychological shopping process.  It seems so simple upon first glance, but putting yourself in the shoes of the customer that is ‘shopping’ for one the largest investments in their lifetime is eye opening. It is important to identify the stages of the customer’s decision-making process. By understanding the process, we can prepare and guide our customers more effectively. Learning some great practices so far, thanks so much!

Jennifer Eyerman, Selections Manager at Infinity Custom Homes


My biggest take away from DC PRO is how to better “upserve” a client vs just sounding like a sales woman.

Chelsea Madden, Design Assistant, Certified DC PRO at Reidman Homes


My biggest take away has been communicating customer information from sales to the design team. This will allow us to better prepare for our meeting and provide a better customer experience.  How to influence customer decisions was also a great takeaway.

Meaghan Braun , Certified Interior Decorator, Certified DC PRO at Design Q


I loved this program! It was nice to take a step back and review what we have been doing and start using new techniques and practices. There was a lot more information and skills than I thought would be covered.

Jamie Stewart, Lead Design Consultant, Certified DC PRO at David Weekley Homes


I think the biggest takeaway for me was examples of what to say to buyers to make them feel special and at ease with all the decisions they need to make and how to respond without saying “sorry” or “no”. I feel like I am a better design consultant after taking your course. I love using the words “investment amount”, “available options” and “finalize and authorize your selections”.

Autumn Morton, Interior Designer, Certified DC PRO at Carpet Diem


It was easy to complete at the same time as working full time. This has been a struggle for me with other courses in the past but the content wasn’t hard to digest. The information was delivered in a natural, uncomplicated way. It was all very clear and concise. DC PRO was beneficial for me in that it confirmed that I was already practicing many techniques the DC PRO way which gave me a sense of confidence.

The course made me look at my already established design process in a more linear format and helped me identify and name problem areas, then provided actual tools that I can use to strengthen these areas. Overall, I found the content shared to be quite comprehensive and relevant and I was able to utilize many tips and skills immediately after each lesson. You have such a wealth of knowledge in our industry and it’s already offered me clarity and helped me refine my process. I enjoyed learning from you.

Joscelyne Barry, Design Consultant, Certified DC PRO at Qualico Homes-Edmonton


I am absolutely satisfied with DC PRO and Managing Excellence! Gained valuable insight and put together two new guides based on these recommendations, and procured valuable supply chain, verbiage and process insights that we have already put into place!

Whitney Harvey, Design Studio Manager at Magnolia Homes


I’ve attended two live trainings and this program offered new material that is very useful.  As always, you provide valuable information in a fun and encouraging manner, thank you!

Beth DeMore, Design Consultant, Certified DC PRO at Robuck Homes


Thank you for preparing such a detailed continuing education class that was so intimately relevant to the Design Consultant role.  I  sincerely appreciate your guidance and wisdom in this field.  I look forward to utilizing and reviewing the material as a refresher throughout the year.

Tina Bailey, Design Consultant, Certified Meritage DC PRO at Meritage Homes


I am so appreciative for the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how buyers mentally move through their selection process and how I can better guide them through that process.  Even after being in this industry for 16+ years I feel that we never stop learning and I am certainly more confident in my presentation and have seen the results. 

Heather Sanders, Design Consultant, Certified Meritage DC PRO at Meritage Homes


I really enjoyed the online course. It was energetic and informative, which made it very easy to complete. Thanks for the care and effort you put into.

Jessica Ruiz-Tagle, Selection Gallery Consultant, Certified DC PRO at Berks Homes


I think the most impactful part of the training for us was the meeting preparation and how to set clients up to be ready for some decision making. Once we started to apply some “homework” for our clients it dramatically changed not only the results of the meetings but the cadence as well. Clients are showing up prepared to make some decisions and more than happy to research on their own between meetings. We found great value in DC PRO and would recommend it to anyone that is looking for improvement in their design process!

Craig Batchelder, Principal, Melton Design Build


It really helped to understand that I am always the person that is in control and guiding the ship. I feel much more confidant in my job. I really implemented almost everything. The one item that I saw immediate results was the idea about [the design concept presentation]. I made 3 [design concept presentations] of different looks. I sold over $20,000 in one home because they loved the floor! I have had such great success with [them].

Angela Hall, Design Consultant, Certified DC PRO at Berks Homes


Just wanted you to know how grateful I and our team are for DC PRO, Managing Excellence and you! You’re positively impacting every aspect of our business and customer service.

Pete Lange, Sales Team Leader at Tim O’Brien Homes


This has been such an amazing experience and I can’t wait to hit the ground running with all our new knowledge and expand our current behaviors and policies.  This has been so eye opening to see that others go through and experience the same things that we do every day and how to perfect them and strive to be the best.

Courtney Bain, Design Studio Manager, Certified DC PRO at Bill Clark Homes

Thank you! It has truly been my pleasure learning from you. Your insight and knowledge is invaluable.

Lisa Vey, Director, Design Studio/Pre-Closing Customer Service, Certified DC PRO at Madison Group


I was honored to be able to take the journey.  The information offered was exceptional.

Robin Sullivan, Design Consultant, Certified DC PRO at Ivey Homes


Really enjoying the lessons and learning so much. You’ve created an incredible program!

Morgan Mott, Design Studio Coordinator, Homes by Towne