Ready to rise above the chaos?

Master the skills you need to deliver a
low-stress, high-profit design studio experience that delights customers from start to finish:

  • Lead appointments with expert confidence: in-person, virtually or both
  • Leave customers feeling served and satisfied (even when things don’t go according to plan)
  • Capture thousands of dollars in additional high-profit option sales on every home
The gold-standard training program & industry-first certification
exclusively for Design Studio Consultants is available now!

We know…
You’re busier than ever right now.

You’ve been tasked with
what feels like the impossible:
Deliver an amazing customer experience…
when the world’s been turned on its head.
What’s new:
  • Keeping up is getting harder: customer volume is unprecedented and your workload is sky-high.

  • What was once in-person is now sometimes virtual: you’ve had to pivot and learn how to connect with customers... through a 13-inch computer screen.

  • You’re doing more than ever to keep customers happy, despite product delays and supply issues that are out of your control.
What hasn’t changed:
  • You still have to remember hundreds of facts about every finish, feature and fixture in your studio… and present them to customers in a way that entices and inspires action.

  • You’re still trying to balance your desire to serve customers while meeting your internal requirements like deadlines, paperwork, sales targets and more...

  • You’re still juggling unreasonable customer demands and special customer requests (or bending over backwards to make it work)… and dealing with people who don’t like hearing “no”.

The pace of your work is accelerating 

while the future feels as unpredictable as ever.

You’re getting by… but it comes at a cost:
  • Important details sometimes slip through the cracks of your busy days...

  • You know you’re delivering less than the stellar experience your customers expect...

  • And the stress of not having a confident, consistent process for smoothly handling delays, call-backs, or challenging customer requests is taking a serious toll…
You’re here because you have a hunch that you could
be doing so much better than simply “getting by”

(We can confirm: your suspicions are correct.)

“Just a few months in and our business
has changed for the better.”

“While I was excited to join DC PRO, I initially thought it would just be a refresher course for our consultants. Turns out, I was totally wrong in a really good way!

DC PRO is not only improving the customer experience in our galleries, but also in our entire company. All employees are in the process of learning consistent terminology and expectation setting (which I got directly from going through the DC PRO lessons!) and we are already seeing what a positive impact it is having on our customer experience.

Just a few months into the program and our business has changed for the better.”

~ Katie Detwiler, Chief Experience Officer at Berks Homes and Certified DC PRO

If the past year has revealed anything about the
homebuilding industry, it’s this:


    The builders who were too busy (or too short-sighted) to focus on their Design Studio operations paid a hefty price.

    Their customers were frustrated. Their design team was overworked and undersupported. Their reputation took the hit.

    … and they left tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional, low-overhead profit on the table.

    Don’t let this be your story in 2022.

So before you read on, we have some questions for you…

  • What’s your plan for making sure every customer who comes through your doors leaves satisfied and raving (instead of frustrated and complaining)?

  • Is your Design Studio operating in optimal condition — or are those inefficiencies about to create expensive backlogs?

  • What are you doing today to future-proof your business and your profits?
The answer is your design studio —  where thousands of dollars in additional high-profit sales are waiting to be tapped into today for each and every home you sell.

The keys to smoother operations, happier customers and fewer construction bottlenecks are in the hands of your design team…

But only if they know how to use them.

Because the skills that were previously “nice to have” are now  non-negotiable for every Design Studio Consultant in your company. 

The challenge:

The average Design Studio appointment is a
whirlwind of information, difficult decisions
and challenging conversations…

Meanwhile, disrupted processes, price increases and supply challenges
are putting more pressure on your team, making it harder than ever to:
    Whether in person, via Zoom meetings, or a blend of both, the ability to build trust and rapport with customers in any setting is essential in today's market. Your ability to lead customers through change is either your greatest asset… or a liability.
    Be the trustworthy authority who leads the way — even when faced with challenging personalities, tricky objections and budget-conscious buyers who are going through difficult times.
    Create a world-class design studio experience that leaves customers feeling deeply satisfied, even in the face of unexpected circumstances and constant change that alters how they think the design experience should work.
    Like making sure that your company is capturing ALL of the high-margin option dollars it needs to counterbalance rising and unpredictable building costs.  And like delivering a design studio experience that not only aligns with your brand, but is powerful enough to be leveraged as a compelling reason to buy a home from your company.
Become skilled in uncovering customers’ unspoken desires, and how to introduce premium options that better serve their needs and your company’s goals.
Be the trustworthy authority who leads the way — even when faced with challenging personalities, tricky objections and budget-conscious buyers.

Builders poised for success in the year ahead know
and act on this one simple truth…

With the right skillset, your design team is one of your
greatest and most profitable assets.

Don’t let their expertise be an expensive afterthought.

Give your design team the support they need to step up
as Design Consultant PROs — and bring more value to
your business than ever before.

“A great investment of time: in-depth and makes the process easier and more successful”

“This is great information that all Design Consultants should learn – it would be life-altering to this industry to have all Design Consultants focused on the customer in this way.

We have a tendency to let our “builder bias” influence our process and presentation and this was a great reminder to shift that focus to the Homebuyer with great, practical examples of how to do this. What a great investment of time!

~ Mary Yeatts, National Business Process Manager at David Weekley Homes and Certified DC PRO

Design Consultants, it’s time for a new definition
(and a much more exciting job description)…

If you still believe a design consultant’s primary job is to check-off cabinet and tile selections after the house is sold…

Think again.

The new breed of consultants are knowledgeable design experts, with a proven process for building rapport and uncovering the buyer motivations that matter…

…And in 2021?
They are skilled conflict negotiators, trusted decision-makers, and reliable problem-solvers — equipped to deliver satisfying wins to customers in a challenging and ever-evolving environment (and the hottest housing market we’ve seen in over 30 years).
We call them Design Consultant PROs
Critical to customer satisfaction, essential to the bottom line, and the hub through which all departments connect…

The Design Consultant PRO understands that:

  • They are not powerless order-takers (or pushy sales people). They wield influence with honesty, integrity and care.

  • They only have a finite amount of time to nail each appointment—and they rely on a systematic, streamlined process to stay on track, solve problems, and delight customers even if things don’t go entirely to plan.

  • True customer satisfaction has less to do with whether you offer their desired features and finishes ...and much more to do with your ability to guide them toward making decisions they’ll be happy with for years to come (even if options are limited, delayed, or at a higher price than they budgeted for).
The question is:

Are you merely reacting to the chaos… or taking strategic steps to get ahead of it and stay in control?

When Design Consultant PROs have the skills
to get back in control, here’s what’s possible:

Confident communication that prevents customer headaches and messy misunderstandings, even when your process is disrupted or delayed
A solid process for serving customers from start to finish (whether in-person, virtual, or both) and leaving them satisfied in the face of change
Thousands of dollars in high-profit, uncaptured revenue on every new home (even if you think your option sales are already “doing well”)

“Tangible… can be used daily during
every meeting or encounter.”

“DC PRO has helped me refine qualities within myself that I already had. The course is structured with tangible ideas that can be used daily during every meeting or encounter. I see the change in my process and in-turn in my clients and their experience.”

~ Trista Mellows, Design Consultant at Branthaven Homes and Certified DC PRO

“We can prepare and guide
our customers more effectively.”

“Biggest take away so far; recognizing the customer’s psychological shopping process. It seems so simple upon first glance, but putting yourself in the shoes of the customer that is ‘shopping’ for one the largest investments in their lifetime is eye opening.

It is important to identify the stages of the customer’s decision making process. By understanding the process, we can prepare and guide our customers more effectively. Learning some great practices inside DC PRO!”

~ Jennifer Eyerman, Selections Manager at Infinity Custom Homes and Certified DC PRO

Design Consultant PROs (and their managers) recognize that
discerning homebuyers crave a new level of service.

Buyers want expertise over order-taking, and
proactive problem-solving that ensures their needs are met.
Are you equipped to deliver it?
If your answer wasn’t a confident “yes“, we have an invitation for you…

Master the art & science of delivering a premium, streamlined and highly profitable design studio experience that cuts down on wasted time and unnecessary stress in 2021 and beyond…

And step into your role as a certified
Design Consultant PRO
Brought to you by Success Strategies & The National Design Studio Institute
This is the only place you’ll master The DC PRO Approach to:
  • Connect meaningfully with buyers, create desire and tap into hot buttons that motivate buying decisions—developed specifically for the evolving design studio environment

  • Take control of the personalization process, lead appointments with confidence, and position yourself as a trusted expert and authority in the face of fast-paced (and unexpected) change

  • Overcome even the trickiest objections and navigate difficult situations with finesse (and even prevent problems before they arise)

  • Facilitate faster, more confident selections, while setting strong expectations and boundaries that increase customer happiness and save you hours of wasted time

  • Become an indispensable asset that has the skill set to drive thousands of dollars (or more) in additional revenue with each new home, and with better satisfaction scores than ever before
You are invited to claim your place in the industry’s first-ever online training and certification program developed specifically to cater to the unique needs of Design Studio Consultants and their managers.

Join over 500 Design Consultants and Managers who already agree:

The DC PRO Approach is more applicable than ever to the challenges you’re facing today. With this comprehensive, in-depth and instantly actionable approach to streamline your appointments, you’ll delight your customers (no matter the circumstance or setting) and re-imagine what’s possible for your design studio profits.

You’ll build the confidence and know-how required to effortlessly lead and influence customers through every stage of the design studio journey — from first contact through to finalization, celebration and beyond.

Put simply: You’re in control now.

How does DC PRO work?

The program is delivered to you on-demand and completely online via our secure learning dashboard.

DC PRO is so much more than a training program. It is a complete system for reaching an entirely new level of performance:

You’ll have access to the full course materials for an entire year, including:
50+ video lessons that deliver a proven process to serve, lead & influence buyers through every stage of the design studio journey
Supporting scripts, worksheets, resource guides and exercises with each class that move you from theory to action
Certification upon completion of the program, pending a passing grade in an online quiz

A revolutionary new approach to
navigating your design studio appointments…

There is no other program like dc pro
available, either in-person or online.
We’ve packaged up over 20 years of real-world experience from Success Strategies, the nation’s #1 Design Studio Expert, into an actionable roadmap for your entire customer journey.

DC PRO introduces a new way of envisioning your interactions with your customers and your role in the design studio — one that will revolutionize your results from the moment you begin applying them.

You’ll be equipped to inspire and guide buyers toward action with a process that keeps you organized, proactive and in control.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

If you want to feel in total control of your design studio appointments from start to finish, DC PRO will show you how.

Mastering The DC PRO Approach means you’ll have the skills you need to create a robust customer experience in 2021 and beyond—one that supports buyers, sets expectations, and sets you up for success in any situation.

CLASS 1: upserving and communicating
Your successful Design Studio journey begins with re-imagining
your role as a DC PRO.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Envision & create your studio’s world-class customer experience
  • Position your expertise  with your Personal Introduction Statement and Elevator Speech
  • Avoid painful misunderstandings by helping customers understand the boundaries of personalization in your builder’s homes
  • Reduce resistance and build value by shifting buyer focus from price to choice
  • Use terminology to position customers for success and ensure compliance with your policies
Learn to make the most of your limited time by preparing for
success in advance.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Clarify rules for off-menu requests in advance and set expectations with buyer-friendly language that keeps you in control
  • Prioritize customer happiness without sacrificing your process by preventing costly mistakes in advance
  • Gather key buyer insights from the sales team to deliver a seamless customer experience
  • Create a powerful 3-Part Pre-Appointment Drill that enhances your performance and instantly puts customers at ease
  • Deliver a high-impact Design Concept Presentation that generates buyer confidence and excitement
Elevate your role from “order taker” to “trusted guide” by expertly leading customers through the proprietary DC PRO 10-Step Design Studio Buying Cycle.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Reduce price fixation and deliver a higher-end experience by helping your customers see beyond the “price list”
  • “Frontload” the shopping period to reduce buyer stress and deliver a design appointment that feels enjoyable, instead of rushed
  • Motivate and guide buyers toward better product choices that fit their unique needs
  • Coach buyers to success by uncovering and supporting their questions, needs and goals through the use of smart tools at each step in the DC PRO Design Studio Buying Cycle
  • Simplify the shopping experience and streamline product offerings to help customers make faster, more confident decisions
What is a DC PRO without a DC PROcess? Establish trust and maintain control by becoming the leader buyers want to follow.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Establish a credible, lasting connection with buyers that showcases your authority and enhances trust
  • Take charge and confidently position yourself as a leader and trusted authority from your very first meeting
  • Help buyers clarify their dreams with High-Payoff Discovery Questions to ensure your recommendations are relevant and valuable to even the most uncertain buyers
  • Master the secret skill to identify your buyers’ true investment range, while reducing financial pressure and buyer stress
  • Build a shared vision with your buyer for a successful design studio experience, with a concrete action plan for how it will happen
Cut through the overwhelm and convey meaningful information that builds irresistible value — while mastering the key tasks that guide buyers toward decisions.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Become a true Information Specialist who not only knows critical product facts, but can position those products as solutions to buyer needs
  • Help customers envision value by positioning choices through the lens of performance and promise
  • Follow a clear roadmap for your appointments that leads customers through a decision sequence that creates confidence & clarity
  • Turbocharge your presentation to build excitement and desire
  • Learn to embody the 4 qualities of the leadership mindset
CLASS 6: influencing decisions
Control the conversation, propel your appointments forward and move customers toward a confident yes.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Provide concierge level service by offering personalized recommendations
  • Intentionally guide customers toward confident decisions without applying pressure or creating discomfort
  • Easily justify the value of your product selections and move buyers into higher-level options that better serve their needs
  • Help customers narrow down their choices by asking buying criteria questions
  • Show customers the value in buying their preferred options from you now, rather than waiting until they move in
  • Recognize buying signals and know how and when to ask deeper discovery questions
CLASS 7: maintaining momentum
Respectfully overcome customer resistance and guide your buyers to confident, lasting decisions.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Confidently respond to pricing and product objections, specific to the design studio environment and make sure you’re never caught off guard by your most challenging buyer objections
  • Leverage the Mid-Appointment Check-In to keep your appointments on time & on track
  • Guide “Can’t Deciders” and other challenging customer types toward final, confident selections
  • Become a master of time management by preventing distractions that undermine your process
  • Discover best practices for thrilling and delighting your customers during appointments
CLASS 8: finalizing like a pro
Cue the confetti! It’s time to finalize your decisions and end your design studio experience on a high note.

You’ll learn how to:

  • End every appointment by successfully reaching appointment goals and preparing buyers for next steps
  • Cut down on lingering “loose ends” by finalizing your appointments like a true DC PRO
  • Develop an action plan for handling discontinued product selections and late change requests
  • Complete essential post-appointment tasks
  • Exceed customer expectations by celebrating and concluding their successful home personalization
Master the secrets of providing an exceptional virtual design studio experience.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Plan and execute a superior virtual Design Studio Welcome Call that sets you and your buyers up for success
  • Improve the quality and output of your customer’s virtual shopping experiences
  • Conduct virtual design appointments that guide and influence buyer selections
  • Finalize and celebrate virtually without sacrificing the conclusive and momentous experience your buyers deserve

From insight to action… we’ve got you covered

Every class includes multiple in-lesson exercises to ensure you’ll master the new skills you’ve learned, one step at a time. Follow-up activities are also provided to help put your knowledge into practice everyday with buyers.

Detailed instructions guide you to master new techniques by creating and practicing your own scripts, while tailoring strategies to your unique studio, processes, and buyer profile.

DC PRO lessons include photos and video excerpts filmed in actual Design Studios with examples of real-world customer scenarios!

“It was easy to complete at the same time as working full time. This has been a struggle for me with other courses in the past but the content wasn’t hard to digest. The information was delivered in a natural, uncomplicated way. It was all very clear and concise. DC PRO was beneficial for me in that it confirmed that I was already practicing many techniques the DC PRO way which gave me a sense of confidence.

The course made me look at my already established design process in a more linear format and helped me identify and name problem areas, then provided actual tools that I can use to strengthen these areas. Overall, I found the content shared to be quite comprehensive and relevant and I was able to utilize many tips and skills immediately after each lesson. You have such a wealth of knowledge in our industry.”

~ Joscelyne Barry, Designer at Design Q/Qualico Homes and Certified DC PRO

“I would like to start by saying how wonderful I find this course to be and how much I am enjoying it. I think my biggest take-away to-date would be the concept of advance shopping. At Mattamy I feel we do a great job at preparing our homeowners for their design meeting. With that said, there is always room for improvement. The concept of advance shopping has really resonated with me and I have really amped up my responses to homeowners’ questions to help them prepare.”

~ Kristen Janzen, Design Consultant at Mattamy Homes and Certified DC PRO

“I think the biggest takeaway for me was examples of what to say to buyers to make them feel special and at ease with all the decisions they need to make and how to respond without saying “sorry” or “no”. I feel like I am a better design consultant after taking your course. I love using the words “investment amount”, “available options” and “finalize and authorize your selections”.

~ Autumn Morton, Interior Designer at Carpet Diem and Certified DC PRO

Own your expertise with
an industry-first certification

The DC PRO Certification is a credential that cuts through the noise. There is no other training program available today that certifies Design Studio Consultants in the skills required to influence, guide and take control of their appointments — while delivering a true world-class experience to homebuyers every step of the way.

An optional short quiz accompanies each lesson. Upon completing all lessons and receiving a passing score, you’ll automatically receive the gold-standard Design Consultant PRO Certification.

Take charge of your professional development: display your DC PRO Certification on your business card, correspondence, company website and professional social media.

Leverage your team’s certification as an asset that builds confidence and trust with homebuyers, and solidifies your builder’s status as a market leader.

Become part of the elite community of DC PROs who are at the cutting edge of customer experience, influence, and real-world results.

The NAHB has approved DC PRO for four Continuing
Education credits toward many NAHB Designations!

“Overall, I think completing the course boosted my confidence level in multiple categories by providing me more tools in my Design Consultant tool box. I have had more confidence in sharing why a buyer should invest in a product or feature, which has in turn driven my sales up.

I really appreciated that the program allowed me to see my opportunities for improvement in a way that wasn’t condescending or belittling.  It’s easy to have the mindset, “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. DC PRO provided the toolkit to self-reflect on many aspects of my role as a design consultant and target where I needed to improve.  The DC PRO program has pushed my techniques outside my comfort zone, in the best way possible. And now I have the entire program at my fingertips to use as a guide when I get stumped and I use what I have learned every day.

What struck me the most is how the DC PRO Approach really broke down every. single. step. in a seamless and integrated way. The program provides not just the how, but the why which is really important for me to embrace and adapt to new ways to my process. I found myself nodding my head as I read through scenarios – It was like Jane was shadowing my appointments! Also, I didn’t expect to have such a boost in confidence in my abilities.”

– Stephanie Bensley, Design Consultant at Chesapeake Homes and Certified DC PRO

“I do love the program. Your teaching inspires me to raise my game!”

~ Monique Bolling, Designer at David Weekley Homes and Certified DC PRO

“I am so appreciative for the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how buyers mentally move through their selection process and how I can better guide them through that process.  Even after being in this industry for 16+ years I feel that we never stop learning and I am certainly more confident in my presentation and have seen the results.”

Heather Sanders, Design Consultant at Meritage Homes and Certified Meritage DC PRO

Your DC PRO license also includes:

Stay ahead of the curve in 2022 with a guided tour of the latest products, features, finishes and colors that are top sellers and that leading suppliers are introducing for the new year (and that homebuyers are demanding).

Learn from top industry experts about color theory, home mortgages, and more!

  • Real-world kitchen and bath demonstration videos, featuring The DC PRO Approach for instantly proving your credibility and gaining buyers’ trust while building desire for your products.
  • A “companion” training video created just for your sales team, ensuring a seamless transition from sales to design (so you get what you need, and details don’t slip through the cracks).

“Creates an “I’m here to help you” experience… consultants are enjoying their jobs a lot more now.”

“My team has now started introducing the “Target Investment Range”, and it’s helping the designer help the buyer step away from a price-focused experience to an “I’m here to help you experience”. All of my designers have degrees and they are super passionate about interior design. It has helped shift “This is the job I have done for 5 years” to “This is the job I have been doing for 5 years and I really love helping buyers to get their beautiful palettes.” They are enjoying their jobs a lot more now.”

~ Heather Miller, VP of Design at  Edge Homes

Managers, your life just got 10x easier…
Lead your team to success with

If you’re a Design Studio Manager or VP who will be overseeing your consultants as they master The DC PRO Approach, be sure to select “Managing Excellence” at checkout to get access to…

One year’s access to twice-monthly small group sessions with Jane Meagher — EXCLUSIVE to Managing Excellence!

Learn from, share and workshop with the best in the industry as you train your team to become true DC PROs. You’ll get guidance directly from Jane around any tricky team challenges you’re facing while you connect and share resources with like-minded managers in a private, supportive space.

This is your only chance for direct access to Jane Meagher, the founder of Success Strategies and the National Design Studio Institute.There is no other way to purchase access to Jane’s time and advice, outside of our $22-50K+ consulting packages that book out 6+ months in advance.

Track, train & transition your team to true DC PRO status

Enrolling in Managing Excellence ensures you’ll effectively support your team through their DC PRO learning journey, with feedback from Jane as you go.

Plus, get exclusive resources to streamline your program delivery and enhance team performance, including:

  • 8 Trainers’ Guides to DC PRO (one for each class in DC PRO) to help you effortlessly introduce, support and wrap up each class with your team.

These priceless Trainer’s Guides are a robust, 100% done-for-you plan that will facilitate your team’s learning, and include an overview of key concepts, additional examples and exercise ideas, plus discussion topics and additional exercises to deepen your team’s mastery. You’ll never have to guess the best way to introduce a concept to your team or how they should complete the exercises — we map it all out for you.

  • A Completion Path Tracker that lays out which lessons your team will complete each week, so you’re never left wondering what to focus on or if you’re forgetting anything. See each month’s lessons, exercises and activities at a glance to plan your own and your team’s schedules in advance.

To ensure timely support and advice from Jane as you roll out DC PRO to your team, all Managing Excellence participants and their teams will follow an 8-month completion track.

Managers in Managing Excellence will begin the program with Jane in November 2021, to get ahead of introducing it to their team starting January 1st, 2022.

Jane will guide you through the program while you guide your team! To ensure that your team retains the full 12-month DC PRO access, all licenses associated with the Managing Excellence license will not expire until December 31, 2022.

  • Track & monitor your team’s development with access to a private portal in our learning system to track each member’s progress as they work through the program videos and complete quizzes.
These exclusive resources will help you organize you & your team’s time to optimize learning around your busy schedules, and dramatically decrease the time and overhead it takes for you to oversee their learning successfully.

Your own license
to DC PRO!

Yours free when you join Managing Excellence!

Managing Excellence includes a just-for-you license in DC PRO for an entire year. Your license also includes certification eligibility, pending you meet the certification requirements.

Private Managing Excellence Community Channel

For one year you’ll have access to Jane and the best managers in the industry inside our private Managing Excellence community channel (hosted on Microsoft Teams). There is nowhere like this to workshop your design studio challenges, gain access to best practices and cutting edge strategies, and develop a lifetime network of like-minded colleagues.

(We have a habit of bringing great people together: past participants in our Design Studio Masters Academy are still trading information and supporting each other, 5 years later!)

“I take pride in what I do and believe Jane has given us the resources to become a DC PRO. Our team has been loving the DC PRO course and we meet every Monday morning to go over the lesson and what to implement from it. Thank you for creating such a helpful and wonderful tool.”

~ Jamie Margherio, Design Studio Manager at McBride Homes

“Not does only DC PRO provide best practice training, it is also so much fun! For me it has been such a positive break from the day to day operations which has given me so much inspiration to continue to grow in my role as a Design Studio Manager.”

~ Jerai Laird, Design Studio Manager at New Traditions

“I am absolutely satisfied with DC PRO and Managing Excellence! Gained valuable insight and put together two new guides based on these recommendations, and procured valuable supply chain, verbiage and process insights that we have already put into place!”

~Whitney Harvey, Design Studio Manager at Magnolia Homes

“I had an applicant for a design studio position that I really wanted on my team.  One of the “plus’s” that I used was that my team was going to be participating in the DC PRO program with Jane which would be a huge benefit to her both now and in the future with the invaluable training that she would receive as well as a Design Studio Consultant Certification.  She accepted the position!”

– Sarah McKinnon, Design Studio Manager at Empire Communities

Spaces in Managing Excellence are limited and WILL sell out!

Spaces are limited in Managing Excellence and we’ll be keeping the group small to ensure Jane can answer your specific questions in-depth.

In 2020, we offered 2 groups for Managing Excellence that quickly sold out. Due to Jane’s schedule, this year there will be only one Managing Excellence group instead of two. With half as many spaces available, we anticipate Managing Excellence WILL sell out in the first week of enrollment (while DC PRO will remain open for the entire enrollment period) — so move fast before you miss out!

Secure your place now and get exclusive access to mentoring directly from Jane.

Simply select “Managing Excellence” at checkout to secure your place before spaces are full!

Spaces are limited!

Spaces are limited in Managing Excellence. We’ll be keeping the group small to ensure Jane can answer your specific questions in-depth.

While DC PRO remains open for enrollment, it is highly likely that Managing Excellence will sell out early due to capacity limits. Don’t miss out on the exclusive access to Jane.

Simply select “Managing Excellence” at checkout to secure your place now.

Plus NEW time-saving bonuses, exclusive
to Managing Excellence:

  • Helpful resources to introduce DC PRO to your team with ease, including a done-for-you overview of the program, ready to send to your team — plus a class overview of the program to get your team excited for what’s ahead!
  • New topic summaries on best practices for supply chain challenges, product knowledge training, and more.

Leveling-up your skills has never
been this accessible or affordable

Until now, your options were:
Our on-site training calendar sells out 6-12 months in advance (and is now only available exclusively for DC PRO or Success Strategies customers)

And our on-site training intensives start at $22,000 plus travel expenses.

While our conferences are undeniably awesome and worth the $1800+ investment…

We’ve heard your requests for a training program that you can access anywhere, any time. DC PRO is the answer.

Many organizations offer mass-market programs that can cost $25K or more…

But none of them cater to the unique challenges (and opportunities) of your design studio environment.

Choosing to enroll in DC PRO is the most cost-effective, high-return investment you can make in developing yourself and your team.

  • There is simply nothing like it. No more boring Zoom sessions, powerpoint presentations, or voiceover webinars... DC PRO is a high-quality, professionally filmed video program with on-site demonstrations of material. Extensive workbook material and application exercises are included with each lesson. We’ve worked intensively with an instructional designer to develop follow-up activities and worksheets to make sure you stay consistent, implement and see results.

  • With all new content and cutting-edge strategies that we’ve never shared publicly before, DC PRO is different from any event, class or workshop we’ve ever delivered. Tightly structured and carefully designed from the ground up for today’s hot housing market and rising customer expectations, DC PRO will take your expertise to an entirely new level.

  • DC PRO is made to fit even the busiest schedules. With 12 months of access to the course materials, you can work at your own pace or choose a recommended completion path that aligns with the amount of time you can dedicate each week to the program and how quickly you want to work through it. Plus, DC PRO is online and completely on demand, which means zero travel time or expensive airfares, and the ability to learn from the comfort of your office or at home.

  • We are the undisputed national experts in all things Design Studios. Our 20+ years of expertise is available to you, at a fraction of the price it would cost to hire us.

  • Today's DC PRO investment will deliver results that allow your business to propel forward for years to come. With a volatile housing market that will continue to evolve in the months ahead, one of the most essential investments you can make is to equip your design consultants with the skills they need to rise to the challenge. DC PRO is an investment in the future of your business, in the bottom-line profits on every home you sell, and in cementing your reputation as a builder customers can rely on (even in times of change and occasional chaos).

A true industry-first, the depth and format of DC PRO is completely unprecedented and unrivaled
in the home building industry.

When you enroll in Design Consultant PRO,
here’s everything you get:

  • Access to the entire 8-class DC PRO program, with 50+ video training lessons

  • Supporting scripts, worksheets, resource guides and exercises

  • Certification from The National Design Studio Institute upon program completion and passing quiz grade

  • SPOTLIGHT Series lessons on how to use your DC PRO method to lead buyers through virtual design appointments, welcome meetings, finalization, and more

  • BONUS 2022 Design and Product Trends Presentation and other Bonus Presentations with Guest Experts

  • NEW kitchen and bath demonstration videos, plus a training video created just for your sales team, ensuring a smooth buyer transition from home sales to design studio.

DC PRO Total value: $28,700

When you select the Managing Excellence
Program at checkout:
  • 8 Trainer’s Guides to DC PRO: plus a Quickstart Guide and a collection of exclusive resources to streamline your delivery and enhance team performance

  • Twice-MONTHLY small group sessions with Jane, starting in November 2021 and throughout 2022

  • Private “Managers Only” community: a year of networking with like-minded colleagues to workshop design studio challenges and gain access to best practices

  • Private Manager's portal in the DC PRO learning system, providing on-demand reports of each of your consultants’ current progress, plus easy-to-access recordings of all Managing Excellence group sessions, all in one convenient place.

  • Your own DC PRO license to access all the training and even get certified if you want to!

  • Resources to introduce DC PRO to your team with ease, including a done-for-you overview of the program, ready to send to your team — plus a class overview of the program to get your team excited for what’s ahead!

  • New topic summaries on best practices for supply chain challenges, product knowledge training, and more.

  • Act now! Managing Excellence places are limited and WILL sell out again!

Managing Excellence Total value: $24,200+













per consultant
2 to 3 licenses

Save 25% per license!




per consultant
4 to 11 licenses

Save 45% per license!




per consultant
12 to 19 licenses

Save 50% per license!




per consultant
All Design Consultants in one builder division/design studio location must be enrolled. Save up to 50% with volume rates through 10/22!
Add Managing Excellence to your DC PRO purchase for


per manager

For 20 or more DC PRO licenses, contact us for additional volume savings.  Large builders enrolling their national design studio teams can access the DC PRO EXCLUSIVE program, tailored to provide exclusive support and savings.

Need help or have questions? Email us at or
call 732-761-8134 and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Thinking about Return on Investment?

A single interaction where just one or two higher-level products or options are sold, and your investment in DC PRO has just paid for itself.

Where could you be 10, 50, 100 appointments from now… armed with the framework, skills and confidence you’ll discover inside Design Consultant PRO?

Don’t wait to find out. Enrollment closes on 10/22 — then the doors to DC PRO will be closed until Fall, 2022.

Meet Jane Meagher, the expert behind DC PRO

Since 2002, Jane Meagher, President of Success Strategies, has helped hundreds of builders in 43 states improve their operations, delight customers and sell more options through consulting, training and sold-out national events and conferences.

Jane is the undisputed national expert on design studio creation, strategy and training. And she deeply understands the unique problems and concerns that builders face every day:

    states in the US
    Trusted by leading homebuilders from
    Keynote Speaker at
    industry-leading events
    unique design studios
    Created over
    national awards for
    Best Design Center
Trusted by leading homebuilders from
states in the US
Keynote Speaker at
industry-leading events
Created over
unique design studios
national awards for
Best Design Center
For more than two decades, hundreds of builders from almost every state have trusted us to train their design, sales and management team members through our sold-out national conferences, on-site at their locations, or through remote training.

We’ve taken our 20+ years of experience in design studio optimization and have packaged it up into the comprehensive training program available to you today.

It’s available for a limited time only. Enrollment closes on October 22, 2021.

Want to learn more about Jane?

Who is Design Consultant PRO for?
If you see yourself in any of the following:

Design Consultant PRO is for you if you’re a consultant who is…

  • Ready to move past feeling busy and overwhelmed, and instead feel more organized, in control and on top of your responsibilities.

  • New to your role and ready to learn an A-Z process for managing the design studio journey, uncovering customer hot-buttons and building desire for premium products that serve their needs.

  • Experienced, but searching for industry insider strategies to refine what’s working, troubleshoot what’s not, and become the trusted expert your customers turn to for advice and guidance.

  • Searching for tools to effectively set expectations with clients, maintain boundaries, and do so in a way that improves customer experience and satisfaction.

  • Eager to learn an integrity-based approach to connect more deeply with customers and move them to action, even if you only have a few hours per month to dedicate to professional development.

  • Looking for new approaches to tricky objections, difficult customer requests and working effectively with challenging customers in the studio.

Managing Excellence is for you if you’re a manager who is…

  • Constantly stretched between your responsibilities as supervisor, trainer, and leader of your design team. You want to support your consultants to step up, so you can spend less time putting out fires and more time focusing on strategies for growth.

  • Committed to ensuring that your team completes, implements and benefits from the materials inside Design Consultant PRO — in a way that doesn’t create unnecessary work for you or pull you away from your essential tasks.

  • Ready to take your professional expertise to a new level, with exclusive access a year's worth of live sessions with the nation’s undisputed expert in Design Studios.

  • Eager to train your team but don’t have time to develop your own training program. You want a “ready to deploy” implementation program that makes it easy and seamless to support your team while they make the transition to DC PRO status!

  • Craving access to a private community of high-level colleagues who are committed to excellence. You want a place where you can ask questions, get feedback, trade great ideas and build a lifelong professional network of people who get it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the online learning experience work?
DC PRO is hosted inside a state of the art learning management system. We’ve worked hard to make sure it is user friendly and easy to navigate.

The training videos are pre-recorded and professionally produced, ready for you to watch and work through at your own pace. With each lesson you’ll be able to download supporting material and exercises, and you’ll complete a quiz at the end of each training lesson if you wish to pursue certification.

What happens when I buy?
After you submit the enrollment form and provide licensee information, you’ll automatically receive a confirmation email.  Access is provided on or about October 25, 2021 via an email to each licensee, and includes their single-user login information, user name, password, and instructions on how to begin the DCPRO program.

Purchases are subject to eligibility.  All licensees must be a currently-employed Builder Design Consultant.   Builders must enroll all Design Consultants in one division/design studio location. For questions on eligibility, please email or call 732.761.8134.

What are the Bonuses?
When you enroll in DC PRO, you’ll also receive:

  • SPOTLIGHT Series lessons on how to use the DC PRO method to lead buyers through virtual design appointments, welcome meetings, finalization, and more.
  • 2022 Design and Product Trends Presentation and other BONUS Presentations with Guest Experts
  • NEW kitchen and bath demonstration videos
  • A training video created just for your sales team , ensuring a seamless transition from home sales to design studio
How long will I have access to the program for?
If you enroll during the October 11-22, 2021 enrollment period, you’ll receive access through October 25, 2022.

During your access period, you can return to the content and watch the videos as many times as you like.

How long will it take me to complete this program and how quickly can I get certified?
The DC PRO program is self-paced. We recommend a 4-month or 8-month completion track to allow for enough time to master the material and apply it to your daily activities.

  • The Focused Growth 4-month completion track involves about 1.5 hours per week
  • The Systematic Learning 8-month completion track involves about 45 minutes per week
  • Times provided are estimates. Your speed may be slower or faster.

If you need a quicker ramp-up, or are able to invest enough focused time in a shorter period to still be effective, you can certainly do so! We provide additional completion tracks inside the program to help you plan around your schedule and available time.

How does the Design Consultant PRO Certification work?
The DC PRO online learning system will track your progress through each lesson in the program. After each lesson you can answer a short quiz that will be scored by the system. Quizzes can be retaken if necessary.

Once the system confirms you have watched all the videos and have received a passing combined score on the quizzes, you will receive a personalized and frameable certificate.

Certification grants you permission to use the terms “DC PRO Certified” , “Certified DC PRO”, and “Certified by The National Design Studio Institute” and the provided Certified DC PRO logos on your professional materials, social media and company websites.

If I’ve already attended a past Success Strategies training event, should I still enroll in Design Consultant PRO?
YES, ABSOLUTELY! DC PRO is an entirely different program that offers a new way of looking at the consultant/customer relationship in today’s world, with all-new frameworks built around the 10 Step Design Studio Buying Cycle and the DC PROcess for Successful Appointments.

We’ve worked closely with an instructional designer to create a world-class online learning experience that is truly the first of its kind: professionally produced, comprehensive, and designed to help you implement and see real results over time. We’ve left no stone unturned.

With brand new content and cutting edge-strategies that we’ve never shared with the public before, DC PRO is different from any event, class or workshop we’ve ever delivered. Quite simply, DC PRO will take your expertise to an entirely new level.

This is a complete system, uniquely created for builder Design Studio Consultants. We give real examples of common scenarios and challenges you can relate to, with videos of simulated customer interactions Design Consultant situations in real design studios.

Does DC PRO certification count toward continuing education requirements?
Yes! NAHB has approved DC PRO for Continuing Education credits toward many NAHB Designations.
If I’m a homebuilder salesperson selling options outside a design studio setting, is this right for me?
Yes! DC PRO is helpful for anyone who is responsible for homebuyer personalization. The cutting-edge skills we teach in sales, presentation, communication skills and rapport-building are perfect for anyone who guides buyers through home personalization.
Is DC PRO appropriate for my Design Studio Coordinator/Assistant?
Yes. All customer-facing design studio team members should follow the same unified teachings to present a consistent experience to your customers.
How can I be sure I’m eligible to join DC PRO?
DCPRO licenses will be granted to Builder’s Design Consultant employees.

  • A Design Consultant is defined as a builder’s employee who meets with that builder’s buyers to personalize their homes.
  • Licenses must be purchased for each current Design Consultant serving the builders’ buyers in one division/design studio location, in other words the entire Design team in one location or division.

If you are not a direct employee of a builder, or are buying licenses for individuals who are not direct builder employees, please fill out this form to receive the “DC PRO for Non-Homebuilders – Information” and to get preauthorized for eligibility. We’re excited to talk to you and to make sure the program is a good fit!

You are eligible to join Managing Excellence if you manage one or more Design Consultants who are being enrolled, or have been enrolled in DC PRO, and are a Builder employee, or are otherwise authorized for eligibility by Success Strategies. Please contact us if your situation differs from the above, and we’ll be happy to discuss eligibility with you! Email us at or call 732-761-8134.

Can licenses be shared with more than one person?
No. Each license is per person and this will be strictly enforced. One license entitles one user to one year of access to materials, and eligibility for one certification.

Licenses must be purchased for each current Design Consultant serving the builders’ buyers in one division/design studio location, in other words the entire Design team in one location or division.

License will be terminated if licensee is no longer employed with the Enrolled Builder who purchased the license.

The Managing Excellence program also provides managers with ONE seat in the Managers Program AND one license in Design Consultant PRO (for enrolled Manager use only).

How does The Managing Excellence program work?
When you purchase one or more licenses in DC PRO for your team, you can also enroll in “Managing Excellence” when you complete your order.

This is a program specifically designed for Design Studio Managers and VPs who will be overseeing their Design Studio team as they work through the materials inside DC PRO.

If you want to support your team, spend less time putting out fires, and more time focusing on strategies for growth, you NEED to take advantage of Managing Excellence!

Managing Excellence grants you access to:

  • 8 Trainer’s Guides to DC PRO: a Quickstart Guide and a collection of exclusive resources to streamline your delivery and enhance team performance
  • Twice-MONTHLY small group sessions with Jane, starting in November 2021 and throughout 2022
  • Private “Managers Only” community: a year of networking with like-minded colleagues to workshop design studio challenges and gain access to best practices
  • Private Manager’s portal in the DC PRO learning system providing on-demand reports of each of your consultants’ current progress, plus easy-to-access recordings of all Managing Excellence group sessions, all in one convenient place.
  • Your own DC PRO license to access all the training and even get certified if you want to!
  • Resources to introduce DC PRO to your team with ease, including a done-for-you overview of the program, ready to send to your team — plus a class overview of the program to get your team excited for what’s ahead!
  • New topic summaries on best practices for supply chain challenges, product knowledge training, and more.

Managers who complete the DC PRO program are also eligible for DCPRO certification.

To ensure timely support and advice from Jane as you roll out DC PRO to your team, all Managing Excellence participants and their teams will follow an 8-month completion track. Managers in Managing Excellence will begin the program with Jane in November 2021, to get ahead of introducing it to their team starting January 1st, 2022.

Jane will guide you through the program while you guide your team! To ensure that your team retains the full 12-month DC PRO access, all licenses associated with the Managing Excellence license will not expire until December 31, 2022.

I don’t have any Design Consultants working for me. Can I still join Managing Excellence?
You are eligible to join Managing Excellence if you manage one or more Design Consultants who have been or are being enrolled in DC PRO, AND you are a Builder employee, OR are otherwise authorized for eligibility by Success Strategies.  Please contact us if your situation differs from the above, and we’ll be happy to discuss eligibility with you! Email us at or call 732-761-8134.
Why is there such a short timeframe to buy the program? Will it be available for purchase again?
DC PRO and Managing Excellence open annually for public enrollment, although once enrolled, access is provided for one full year.  Both programs will not open for regular enrollment again until Fall, 2022.

The best way to ensure access to DC PRO and Managing Excellence is to enroll during the October 11-22,2021 enrollment period. Don’t get left behind. Claim your place in DC PRO to take back control of your Design Studio experience today.

What if I need additional DC PRO licenses for new hires after the enrollment period closes?
Yes, as an enrolled builder, your future-hire team members will be supported.

Only enrolled builders (builders who have purchased DC PRO license(s) for their eligible employees) will be able to purchase additional licenses outside of official enrollment periods.

There are two ways to obtain additional DC PRO access for new team members after the enrollment period closes.

Option 1: Enrolled builders can purchase additional DC PRO licenses for new team members at any point through a private “Enrolled Builder” link, and pending eligibility, the new DC PRO license will be activated within 2  business days.  Additional DC PRO licenses will be available  at regular enrollment rates and will expire one year from date of activation. Additional licenses can still take advantage of volume savings, based on your total number of licenses to date

Option 2, Plan ahead: Purchase additional unassigned licenses now at today’s enrollment rates. Licenses may be higher a year from now (they’ve already increased quite a bit since initial enrollment prices)  so lock in the best price now! When you’re ready to activate your pre-purchased DC PRO license, you can easily do so through your private Enrolled Builder link, and, pending eligibility, the pre-purchased DC PRO license(s) will be activated within 2 business days.  Pre-purchased DC PRO licenses will expire one year from purchase regardless of when, or if, activated. Pre-purchased DC PRO licenses will also receive access to the bonuses that occur during the activation time period.

If you are not already an enrolled builder, you will only be able to purchase DC PRO licenses during the public enrollment periods.

What if I need additional Managing Excellence licenses for new hires?
Due to the small group collaborative nature of the Managing Excellence program, additional Managing Excellence licenses will not be available until the next enrollment period in late 2022, even for enrolled builders
If I am a Design Studio Manager who has already started or even completed the DC PRO program with my team prior to October 2021, can I still join Managing Excellence?
Yes, as long as both you and one or more Design Consultants have previously or are currently enrolled into DC PRO. The Trainers Guides and additional Managing Excellence resources will still be valuable even if you have already completed DC PRO with your team.

Consultants will need ongoing support and mentorship from you as they continue to implement the concepts and skills taught in DC PRO. To that end, the twice-monthly coaching calls with Jane will be focused around the content we cover in DC PRO for the first 8-9 months. Joining Managing Excellence will enhance your ability to guide your team toward mastery and TRUE DC PRO status!

(Please note that as long as you have one active license in DC PRO, it is a requirement that all Design Consultants in your division either have been or are currently enrolled in the program. Therefore, you’ll need to obtain DC PRO licenses for any new Design Consultants hired during your time as a Managing Excellence member. Please contact or call 732-761-8134 to ensure you retain your volume savings when ordering new licenses for additional team members. )

What if I need 20 or more DC PRO licenses?
Contact us to hear about special volume pricing for large-size groups and to obtain enrollment support. Email or call 732 761 8134. We’re waiting to connect with you and answer all your enrollment questions.
When is the program content available?
Access to the full DC PRO program curriculum will be provided on or about October 25, 2021, other than the LIVE Bonuses which will be LIVE in 2022 .

Enroll now to secure the best pricing and lock in your team’s professional development path!

Order-takers wait for permission to be great, while Design Consultant PROs are busy making it happen.

Now is the time to invest in
building a skillset that will:

elevate your profits
With a proven approach to uncover buyer motivations, build desire, and influence them toward premium options that better serve their needs.
protect your time
By maximizing what happens before, during and after appointments, you’ll use all stages of the design studio journey to create momentum and deliver results.
safeguard your sanity
With the confidence that comes with the ability to handle challenging customers and difficult requests, you’ll get back in control and stay there.

And leave your customers feeling satisfied
and served at the highest level.

A true industry-first, the depth and format of DC PRO is completely unprecedented and unrivaled
in the home building industry.

When you enroll in Design Consultant PRO,
here’s everything you get:

  • Access to the entire 8-class DC PRO program, with 50+ video training lessons

  • Supporting scripts, worksheets, resource guides and exercises

  • Certification from The National Design Studio Institute upon program completion and passing quiz grade

  • SPOTLIGHT Series lessons on how to use your DC PRO method to lead buyers through virtual design appointments, welcome meetings, finalization, and more

  • BONUS 2022 Design and Product Trends Presentation and other Bonus Presentations with Guest Experts

  • NEW kitchen and bath demonstration videos, plus a training video created just for your sales team, ensuring a smooth buyer transition from home sales to design studio.

DC PRO Total value: $28,700

When you select the Managing Excellence
Program at checkout:
  • 8 Trainer’s Guides to DC PRO: plus a Quickstart Guide and a collection of exclusive resources to streamline your delivery and enhance team performance

  • Twice-MONTHLY small group sessions with Jane, starting in November 2021 and throughout 2022

  • Private “Managers Only” community: a year of networking with like-minded colleagues to workshop design studio challenges and gain access to best practices

  • Private Manager's portal in the DC PRO learning system, providing on-demand reports of each of your consultants’ current progress, plus easy-to-access recordings of all Managing Excellence group sessions, all in one convenient place.

  • Your own DC PRO license to access all the training and even get certified if you want to!

  • Resources to introduce DC PRO to your team with ease, including a done-for-you overview of the program, ready to send to your team — plus a class overview of the program to get your team excited for what’s ahead!

  • New topic summaries on best practices for supply chain challenges, product knowledge training, and more.

  • Act now! Managing Excellence places are limited and WILL sell out again!

Managing Excellence Total value: $24,200+













per consultant
2 to 3 licenses

Save 25% per license!




per consultant
4 to 11 licenses

Save 45% per license!




per consultant
12 to 19 licenses

Save 50% per license!




per consultant
All Design Consultants in one builder division/design studio location must be enrolled. Save up to 50% with volume rates through 10/22!
Add Managing Excellence to your DC PRO purchase for


per manager

For 20 or more DC PRO licenses, contact us for additional volume savings.  Large builders enrolling their national design studio teams can access the DC PRO EXCLUSIVE program, tailored to provide exclusive support and savings.

Need help or have questions? Email us at or
call 732-761-8134 and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
If you use the skills and strategies you learn in DC PRO to move just one buyer into a higher level cabinet, counter or floor, you’ll likely have recouped your license investment in full.

But… the mostly likely outcome is you’ll continue to reap the rewards of leveraging The DC PRO Approach for years to come.

And you’ll have the customer satisfaction scores and Design Studio profits to prove it.

Challenge accepted?

Refuse to settle for anything less than the best.
Join over 500 professionals who are already rocking the DC PRO Approach today!

If you are not a direct employee of a builder, or are buying licenses for individuals who are not direct builder employees, please fill out this form to receive the “DC PROs for Non-builder Employees – Information” and to get preauthorized for eligibility. We’re excited to talk to you and to make sure the program is a good fit for you!